April 2021:Seniors Getting Their Steps In

Putting One Foot in Front of the Other Missy picks me up at the end of my driveway everyday at 7:45 AM. We walk four miles either up and…
March 2021: Give it up for the true heroes!

Leaning into Love I have not hugged my Mom for over a year. During this time, I turned 60 and she turned 90. This March 27th (a day after…
February 2021: Finding Love in All the Strange Places

Love and Protect Yourself My heart has been heavy the last couple of weeks. In November, I received a call from a hospital caseworker…
January 2021: Hitting The Mark

Getting my Robin Hood On Our family made our New Year’s Resolutions….one about work, one about relationships and then a bucket list item…
December 2020: Fa La La La La La

Caroling Connection December is all about the music. I was in Marshall’s Home Goods this weekend and Michael Bublé’s White Christmas…
November 2020: Thanksgiving On My Mind

Table Talk I was searching for a picture that I can see in my mind of a Thanksgiving dinner sitting around the table when my Dad was…
October 2020: The Greatest Wealth Is Your Health

My 10-Year-Old Pacemaker Battery During the last six months, we have limited our shopping, travel, and social engagements. We have…
September 2020: There Is No Place Like Home

Good Things Come in Small Packages Our mother, Patricia Jane, is 90 years old and lives in a senior residential care home. Before she…
August 2020: Make New Friends but Keep the Old

Braeside Forever I grew up on the North Shore of Chicago in a town called Highland Park. We were within a stone’s throw of our beloved…
JUNE 2020: Friendship Has No Age
Connecting Across Decades Last week we drove our daughter, Francesca, a recent 2020 Covid Couch graduate, to her six-month apprenticeship…